Novel Reading of Priestess of the Forest: A Druid Journey, by Ellen Evert Hopman


Performed by Elizabeth Rose Morriss

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Get to know the writer:

What is your novel about?

It is the first book in a trilogy that spans from second to fifth century Ireland and Scotland. It describes what happened when the very first missionaries showed up in Ireland (from Gaul), written from the point of view of the Druids. The main characters are female Druids who are herbalists and healers. There are also warriors, battles and ancient Celtic spirituality and poetry as well as a glossary of Old Irish terms.

What genres would you say this story is in?

This is a spiritual work as well as a work of historical fantasy. People who are interested in Celtic history and spirituality will find it interesting.

How would you describe this story in two words?
Celtic spirituality.

What movie have you seen the most in your life?

I have watched the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter movies several times.

What is your favorite song? (Or, what song have you listened to the most times in your life?)

I don’t have one. I like Beethoven and traditional Celtic music played on accoustic instruments.

Do you have an all-time favorite novel?

A book that I have read many times over my life is “Saki” by H.H. Munro.

What motivated you to write this story?

I have been a Druid for over thirty years. After several trips to Scotland and Ireland the characters began to speak to me and I basically wrote down what they did and what they showed me. Some say the books are “chanelled”. What I can say is the first book (Priestess of the Forest) came out in February of 2008 and I was writing it for nine years before that. In the book I describe a funeral using the herb Artemisia. In April of 2008 archeologists announced the discovery of the first confirmed Druid grave. When they opened the grave they found a container that had last held the herb Artemisia. That was a nice little confirmation for me.

If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive), who would
that be?

I’d love to meet a second century Irish Druid and ask her about her beliefs.

Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?

I live in an oak forest and I have to be out in nature every day, rain, snow or sunshine. I care about the fate of the land and the animals, the health of the waters and the purity of the air.

What influenced you to enter your story to get performed?

My hope is to reach a wider audience. Many Americans are fascinated with the Earth Religion of Native Americans. They don’t realize that our own ancient European religions were very similar. If our indigenous European Nature Spirituality could be better known, perhaps people would take better care of the planet.

Any advice or tips you’d like to pass on to other writers?

You can’t “want” to be a writer. You can only “write”. If you are really going to do it a lot has to be sacrificed. It is a craft that takes immense time and solitude. Be prepared to put in years of your life for very little monetary reward (usually). That said, for those who are born to the craft, it is one of the most satisfying ways to live.


Producer: Matthew Toffolo

Director: Kierston Drier
Casting Director: Sean Ballantyne
Editor: John Johnson

Camera Operator: Mary Cox

By writingfest

Monthly Festival showcasing the best of new novels from around the world. Novel transcripts get performed by professional actors. OR, we also turn novels into movies and seen by 1000s online and at various film festivals.

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