Chapter 1 Reading of Killer Conversations by Stephanie Parker McKean

Performed by Elizabeth Rose Morriss


Get to know the writer:

What is your novel about?

Never Judge another person: there but for the grace of God go I.

What genres would you say this story is in?

Killer Conversations was named one of the best mystery novels of 2017, but it also falls into the Romance, Suspense genre.

How would you describe this story in two words?

Choices matter.

What movie have you seen the most in your life?

The musical “Brigadoon.”

What is your favorite song? (Or, what song have you listened to the
most times in your life?)

God Is In Control

Do you have an all-time favorite novel?

“Sea Jade” by Phyllis A Whitney

What motivated you to write this story?

A lone walker who made the same circuit every day, never looking at anyone or speaking to anyone. He was young and slim, totally anti-social, and seemed to walk with the weight on an enormous burden holding his feet to the ground. Since he was so non-communicative, I began inventing stories about who he was, why he was the way he was, and what had carved out his life. My conclusion was that he was a serial killer, tormented by guilt.

If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive), who would
that be?


Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?

Animals, enjoying nature, walking with God.

What influenced you to enter your story to get performed?

Being informed that it had been named one of the best mystery novels of 2017.

Any advice or tips you’d like to pass on to other writers?

Don’t write to get rich. Write because it is a fire shut up in your bones, and you must get the words out to stop the flame from consuming you.


Producer: Matthew Toffolo

Director: Kierston Drier
Casting Director: Sean Ballantyne
Editor: John Johnson

Camera Operator: Mary Cox

By writingfest

Monthly Festival showcasing the best of new novels from around the world. Novel transcripts get performed by professional actors. OR, we also turn novels into movies and seen by 1000s online and at various film festivals.

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