Watch Prologue Reading of the Novel: IN THE WAKE OF WAR

Watch Prologue Reading IN THE WAKE OF WAR, by Stephen L. Nowland:

BUT Stephen’s BOOKS Online:

Get to know writer Stephen L Nowland:

1. What is your novel about?

In broad strokes, this book is a fantasy adventure about a young girl’s journey from a wartime survivor to a person of courage, willing to stand up for what she believes in.

2. Why should this novel be read by people?

In addition to being an engrossing adventure, the story touches on topics of gender roles in society, the heroes that influence us in our daily decisions and the things we’ll go through to protect those near and dear to us.

3. How would you describe this novel in two words?

“Riveting Adventure”

4. What movie have you seen the most in your life?

Back to the Future – roughly 25 times! I’ve dissected it and rate it as one of the best movies every put together, in terms of structure, flow and just plain fun! Yes, I want a Delorean some day.

5. How long have you been working on this novel?

I’ve laid out the preliminary work over the course of a few years, as I was developing the fantasy world in which the story exists. The actual writing, from start to finish took me around 10 months, but I had also been distracted by other work during the year.

6. Do you have an all-time favorite novel?

I can’t go past ‘Magician’ from R.E. Feist, which blew my mind back in the day!

7. What motivated you to write this novel?

I wanted to create a character who might inspire younger readers, particularly girls, to believe in themselves, to be more courageous in life, and to solve problems without resorting to violence or other methods where possible. I have, hopefully, achieved this with Aislin Ballard, the protagonist of this book.

8. What artist would you love to have dinner with?

Turner, who’s work I saw at a gallery when I was young and who inspired me to try my hand at landscape paintings of my own.

9. Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?

I’m quite passionate about art, particularly the thoughts and emotions which can be evoked with it. Writing and art are similar in that regard, though art seems to seep into one’s consciousness almost of its own volition, while writing needs to be digested, as such. I’m also a game designer, as I find the mechanics of how they work seems to come unbidden to my mind which I guess counts as passion!

10. What influenced you to enter the Novel Festival?

I received a tweet from the novel festival and after seeing the results of other readings, I thought ‘they’re on to something here’! I was also looking at different ways to ‘get my book out there’, and having the 1st chapter read was a brilliant idea. I really should get the whole thing done, for audiobook purposes!

11. Any advice or tips you’d like to pass on to other writers?

The noise of modern life can shout-out your inner voice, the muse from whence comes all your creativity. I find it helpful to seek a quieter life, to allow that voice to come through clearer. I also advise making each and every sentence count towards character or action – edit out anything that doesn’t add to either, as it’s just filler text. Keep it concise and on-message.


Producer/Director: Matthew Toffolo

Editor: John Johnson

Casting Director: Sean Ballantyne


By wildsoundwritingfestival

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