SURVIVE THE RUN, Short Story Reading by Fernanda Beziaco Wilt

Watch SURVIVE THE RUN Short Story Reading:

Reading performed by actress Amaka Umah

Read more from the writer:

Get to know writer Fernanda Beziaco Wilt

Matthew Toffolo: What is your story about?

Fernanda Beziaco Wilt: The story is about a girl that gets taken away and has to figure it out a away to survive. But does she?

Matthew: Why should this story be read by people?

Fernanda: As a writer, I would like all my stories to be read. As a reader, I think this is a story that might cause discomfort, and any story that take us out of our comfort zone should be read.

Matthew: How would you describe this story in two words?

Fernanda: Awkwardly disturbing.

Matthew: What movie have you seen the most in your life?

Fernanda: I would say You’ve Got mail, but my list is actually very long.

Matthew: How long have you been working on this story?

Fernanda: I had the inspiration for the story a few weeks before I wrote it. After thinking the best way to put my inspiration in words it took me very short time to write it.

Matthew: Do you have an all-time favorite novel?

Fernanda: I read a lot, so I have a few favorites. I have to say that Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, and Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen, are the ones I can read over and over and have the same feeling about it.

Matthew: What motivated you to write this story?

Fernanda: Fear, mostly. How would we react in the same kind of situation. Fear of people we don’t know and what they are capable of doing.

Matthew: What artist would you love to have dinner with?

Fernanda: Josh Radnor. I love his work as an actor and director.

Matthew: Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?

Fernanda: Reading is other of my passions. Cooking and eating also.

Matthew: What influenced you to enter the Festival?

Fernanda: I follow a few blogs and sites, and I got very excited when I saw the opportunity to send my writings to the Festival. It is always a good thing to have channels available to expose our work.

Matthew: Any advice or tips you’d like to pass on to other writers?

Fernanda: Don’t give up! Don’t stop trying! And if a story comes to your mind write it down. Even if the idea is not yet complete, write it and come back to it later, but don’t stop. Reading and traveling are great for opening your mind. Break the routine. Unexpected good things happen with our imagination when we take right instead of left sometimes.

Director/Producer: Matthew Toffolo

Casting Director: Sean Ballatyne

Editor: John Johnson

By wildsoundwritingfestival

Daily Writing Festival Deadlines: Submit your novels, short stories, screenplays, poetry to the festival. Get performance video of your work.

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