1pg. Short Story Contest

Submit a short story that is only 1 page long (maximum 400 words) and have it performed at the Writing Festival by a professional actor. Also garner FULL FEEDBACK on your work.

Deadline March 31st. Submit for only $10. Most of the stories will be accepted and performed. If there is a beginning/middle/end, and the grammar is sound, we will perform it.

A great way to get your words out there, obtain the Agent you’re looking for or just get your story seen by more people. If you win, your story will be seen by 100,000s of people when it’s read online using a top professional actor. It’s a rush you’ll never experience in your life seeing it come to life that way.

The RULES are simple:

1. Write a story that is 1pg. maximum. Edit the heck out of it. We accept novels in all genres.

2. Email your story to novels@novelwritingfestival.com in .pdf, .doc, .wpd, .rtf, or .fdr format.

In the body in the email please add your:
– TYPE OF STORY (genres)
– (optional) and a 1-2 line synopsis of your story.

3. Pay the $10 submission fee via the button below. Please put your full contact info (name, email address) on a title page:
Buy Now Button

Watch Past Story and Novel Readings performed by professional actors:

ALL SUBMITTED STORIES and FILMS GET FULL FEEDBACK – The goal of the Novel Writing Festival is to help everyone involved grow as an artist, so we will offer some kind of constructive criticism whether or not we accept your entry for the formal festival.

By writingfest

Monthly Festival showcasing the best of new novels from around the world. Novel transcripts get performed by professional actors. OR, we also turn novels into movies and seen by 1000s online and at various film festivals.

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